Saturday, March 12, 2016

2015 Hike #57 - The Wave, Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness, AZ

The Wave is a beautiful, unique and special place that we were fortunate to visit in December of 2015.  The Bureau of Land Management has a daily lottery where they select 20 people per day, 10 online and 10 from the BLM office in Kanab, 4 months in advance.  We tried from the Kanab office in August but did not get selected so we tried online.  I selected 6 dates for December and our date of Tuesday, Dec. 6 was picked! December and January are less popular due to the cold temps.
The temperature was around 34 degrees when we started the 3 mile hike but it warmed up nicely after the sun was out awhile.  It was fun following the picture map that the BLM sent to find this treasure called "The Wave".  It was not hard to find and not a hard hike.  Once we arrived we were all smiles and couldn't stop taking pictures! We walked all over and saw another wave like area and a frozen water fall.  It was magical, spiritual and just plain AMAZING!

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