Saturday, January 2, 2016

2015 Hike #50 - Buckskin Gulch, Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness/Paria Canyon, UT

Paul Pastore and I hiked in Buckskin Gulch on our way home from Zion National Park in late August, 2015.  This beautiful slot canyon was well worth visiting.  The recent rains had left pools of water and mud making it challenging in some places to traverse.  I was also slowed by my recent shoulder and knee injury at Mystery Canyon.  Hiking poles were a lifesaver for balance as we maneuvered through the mud and boulders.  The canyon is 21 miles long and extends to Lees Ferry.  We hiked only a couple of miles before turning back due to the slippery and sinking mud.  We may return another time when the conditions are better.  For more information on this slot canyon see:

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