Saturday, September 26, 2015

Hike #30 - Christopher Creek Gorge, Tonto National Forest, AZ

Christopher Creek Gorge is one of Paul's and my favorite canyoneering trips. It is easy to get to with a short entrance to the canyon and full of exciting water slides and rappelling. Wet suits are a must.  This was our second time experiencing this beautiful place and my son Mitchell came along. Unfortunately at the first water slide, I let go of our rope bag and it sunk!  After many attempts to find it in the 10'+ deep water to no avail we headed back up canyon.  Thankfully some other canyoneers were starting down and invited us to join them.  We had an awesome day and made some new friends. Mitchell loved it and was able to try out his new Go-Pro camera.  He has some great video of me sending our rope bag down the water slide, followed by myself and then the rope bag is no where to be found!  We learned a valuable lesson that day and have since purchased a better rope bag that floats but we will never trust it to float again.  For more information and directions see:

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